Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hundertwasser knee socks

Hundertwasser knee socks, originally uploaded by Beatrixknits.

Opal Hundertwasser knee socks in "Der Blaue Mond" Blue Moon color. Started off with Knitpicks two socks on one circular pattern with US size 1 40" Harmony needles. Didn't like the heel the pattern made...but oh well! Ended up on 32" addi turbos after Harmony needles had untimely accident with the vacuum cleaner. I just sort of made up the calf shaping as I went along and the picot bind off (which I love) is from More Sensational Knitted Socks (Birthday present :-D). These socks took an awful long time to make. And were frustrating to match up the stripes even tho the two balls were from the same dye lot. As it is the loosely knit sock weighs 70g while the tighter one weighs 66ish. I know I'm the only one who will ever care! LOL Am generally pleased with the results and can't wait for the cold weather to be snuggled up in my first hand-knit pair of knee socks.

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