Saturday, February 03, 2007

OCD felting

sunlight photo

daylight photo

I now present...The Space Shuttle Bag aka Frankenstein Bag! Holy cow it was a bitch to line. I got the fabric at JoAnn's. Is lovely and soft and has all the colors of the wool! It took me a long time to find it! Grommets were scary but kinda fun to put on. I got them at Michael's. Pattern is infamous Booga Bag.

Now I know why I've never felted anything before! Is it ready? Should I throw it in again? I guess it would have helped if I knew what I was working with. Bag is 24% Noro Kureyon and 76% handspun material of unknown origin but appears to be animal fiber. Oops my bad.

After three washes and strap getting stuck in washing machine *argh*

After two washes

After one wash (darn. I kinda liked it in this stage tho wouldn't exactly call it felt...more like soft fluffy wool.)

1 comment:

thinggtwoo said...

Wow, I love it! What happened to the strap, did you lose it??